Spay and Neuter Specialists

Langley Animal Clinic

You can say that our veterinary clinic specializes in spay and neuter procedures.  We have a team of experienced veterinarians, veterinary technicians and assistants that are dedicated for surgeries Monday through Friday every week.

Spaying a dog or cat and neutering a dog or cat is an important part of pet population control but that it also benefits you and your pet by:

  • Decreasing aggression both towards your pet and by your pet
  • Lowering the incidence of mammary, prostatic, or testicular cancers in your pet
  • Decreasing roaming and bolting behavior by your pet
  • Decreasing dominance behavior by your pet

As with all surgeries at Langley Animal Clinic, our strategy is to provide top quality care. Our number one priority is your pet’s well-being, so we focus on safe anesthesia, proficient surgeons, and effective pain control.

Spaying a Cat & Neutering a Cat

What You Need To Know

Once your kitten reaches 6 months of age, spaying and/or neutering should be considered. Spaying and neutering are important tasks to help reduce the number of homeless cats that are killed in animal shelters. Spayed animals live longer lives and reduce their risks for certain cancers. Spaying improves your pet’s health by reducing the urge to roam, fight with other cats and animals, and incur injuries.

Cat pain medications are dosed by weight and can cost between $26.00-$39.00.
Premium packages start at $67.91 up to $93.81. These packages include ECG monitoring, identification (either a tattoo or a microchip), the pain injection that is given in clinic as well as the pain medications to go home.

Cost For Spaying a Cat:

The cost to spay a young cat starts at $145.06 for spays, including pain management and a cone.
In heat / early pregnancy can be an additional minimum of ~$30.00.

Cat Neuter Cost:

Prices start at $116.23 for neuters, including pain management and a cone.

If your cat is over the age of 7 years old, please call to get an accurate quote on a mature cat spay or neuter.

Prices do not include taxes.

For more information or a more accurate quote, please contact us at: or call 604-534-4813

Cost to Spay a Dog & Dog Neutering Cost

Low Prices Guaranteed

Spaying a dog weight breakdowns:

Under 18kg is $138.07

18-28kg is $165.79

28-38kg is $186.41

38-45kg is $210.40

Over 45kg is $4.46 per kg

Neutering a dog weight breakdowns:

Under 18kg is $109.98

18-28kg is $135.16

28-38kg is $162.93

38-45kg is $194.05

Over 45kg is $4.39 per kg

Once your puppy reaches 6 months of age, spaying and/or neutering should be considered. For some larger breed dogs, it is recommended to wait until they are a bit older in some cases before spaying and neutering. Please talk to your veterinarian to find out when the best time is to spay and neuter your puppy based on their breed.

 Pain medication is dosed by weight and generally ranges from $15.00 – $40.00. Oral pain medication to go home ranges from $14.00 – $38.00 for medications to go home after surgery. These medications are dosed by weight and will be priced out at the time of surgery when we have weighed your pet.

Premium packages are offered starting at $76.12 to $110.08 and they both include ECG monitoring, identification (either a tattoo or a microchip), the pain injection that is given in clinic and the pain medication to go home.

Pain medication is mandatory with all dog & cat surgeries.

When booking a canine spay, it must be a minimum of 2 months since the pets last heat, but preferably 3 if possible. If your pet has yet to go through a heat cycle but they are of age to go forward with the spay procedure, you are welcome to call and book in.

*With dogs that are extremely overweight, mature, have gone through several heats or have had litters in the past, there may be a surcharge of ~$65.00-$150.00 added to their bill to account for extra surgical time.

If your dog is over the age of 7 years old, please call to get an accurate quote on a mature dog spay or neuter.

Cone collars for all spays and neuters are required and are priced depending on size prices start at $7.76to $42.36.

These prices do not include taxes.

For more information or a more accurate quote, please contact us at: or call 604-534-481386.4

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Dog Neutering Cost Price List

Spay & Neuter Prices

SPAYING - DOGMost Popular$132.12

  • Open 7 Days
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NEUTERING - DOGMost Popular$105.24

  • Open 7 Days
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SPAYING - CATNasal$110.51

  • Open 7 Days
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NEUTERING - CATMost Popular$78.69

  • Open 7 Days
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